Looking for quality goods? Quality products & happy customers come from strong relationships, and we, at Bubble Bright realize that putting customer service first is the key to our success.

Become a Retailer

Whether you own a small boutique or a store with several locations, you’ll need help sourcing quality goods that your customers will love.  We have team members dedicated to do just that, as well as focus on you.

Owning a store is challenging and we make things easier so owners have one less thing to worry about.  You can feel confident that we will listen, answer, and respond.  We also give you the opportunity to place orders with us online via our website that helping you save time.  We also take orders on the phone, via email or fax – whatever works.

Apply Now

In the meantime, if you have any questions about our retailer program, please contact us at +66 (0)813577036 or email us at info@bubblebright.co.th